
Curriculum Philosophy –
The Value of Play

Our skilled staff helps children build strong socio-emotional relationships. This is done through provision of nurturing childcare, a secure, consistent environment. Children are free to explore, and participate in enriching hands-on educational activities. Teachers foster children’s natural curiosity about their world through careful observation and thoughtful planning of the curriculum. Teachers help children acquire and strengthen self-regulatory and problems-solving skills. These skills are consistent with their ages (e.g., school-age and pre-K children will have more independence than younger children).

Children at play

Play experiences are essential to the development of critical thinking skills and lead to learning play based academic skills. We value play as concrete experiences to build upon. This is done by expanding vocabulary, providing resources for further discovery and helping children to create the connections between new experiences and old. FCC invites families to share their skills, talents, traditions and favorite activities. By providing a wide engagement with their world, children will bring to their on-going school experiences knowledge and understanding that will assist them in their academic work; many opportunities to create, build, manipulate and interact with their environment, peers and teachers.

Curriculum Objectives

To achieve the Fauntleroy Children’s Center Program objectives, we use The Creative Curriculum® system (by Teaching Strategies, Inc.) for planning curriculum goals and objectives for individual children. The goals and objectives of Creative Curriculum® are organized into four developmental areas: (1) social/emotional (2) physical; (3) cognitive; and (4) language. These areas address the important aspects of a child’s development and learning and can be influenced by the care and education that is provided.

The primary objectives of the program are to:

  • Foster and protect the child’s physical health
  • Promote positive socio-emotional stability and growth
  • Help each child maintain a positive self-image
  • Deliver social experiences which will stimulate a sense of personal responsibility and an awareness of the rights of others
  • Present a wide range of creative experiences
  • Provide activities which will encourage the healthy development of each child in the cognitive, socio-emotional, physical and perceptual-motor spheres
  • Encourage the healthy development of the family as a unit, by assisting families in finding community service, and by encouraging participation in the Center.