A brief video About Us (8 min, 94 MB, mp4)
Dr. John (Jack) Pierce founded the Fauntleroy Children’s Center (FCC) in 1977. As a result, Dr. Pierce provided local working families with high-quality, affordable childcare. Governed by the Fauntleroy Community Service Agency (FCSA) and supported by our Parents’ Advisory Board, we work well as a non-profit organization.
FCC utilizes eight classrooms, as well as the surrounding play areas. FCC is licensed to serve 135 children. Students range in age from one month to 12 years.

Fauntleroy School was built in the heart of the Fauntleroy community in 1917. Because of the closure of the Fauntleroy elementary school in 1981, the FCC was able to move into the Schoolhouse that fall. We are fortunate to call the historic Fauntleroy Schoolhouse our home. In 2010, 30 years after moving in, our parent organization (the FCSA) received a grant to purchase the building and most of the surrounding property from the District. FCC Shares the Schoolhouse with “Dance! West Seattle”, the Hall at Fauntleroy, and several other small community businesses. Consequently today, the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse is a natural hub of the neighborhood.
Our outdoor space spans much of the original school playground, and includes expansive play structures for each classroom, a large grassy field, and ample parking. Classrooms and playgrounds feature personalized touches hand-crafted by staff, parents, and volunteers. Along with repurposed original fixtures from the Schoolhouse’s days as an elementary school, every piece comes together to create a delightful and engaging home-away-from-home.
Our staff is professional, close-knit, and devoted. As an example, we have some long-tenured staff from 1979. Included are children of long-time teachers and former students.